Hug a Sloth

“Hug a Sloth” is the result of the project “Designing for ​Specific Users” in the bachelor program of Industrial ​Design Engineering at the University of Twente.

The product was made based on the specific needs of a ​designated case owner, a woman in her 3rd trimester of ​pregnancy.

This website summarises the entire design process: ​research, co-design sessions, the concept with its use ​scenarios and, ultimately, the “real life” prototype.

Design process








An overview of all the preliminary research to get acquainted ​with the case owner’s specific situation is presented in this ​section.

Dissecting each stage from getting to know the participant ​through interviews, to literary research on pregnancy and ​home assignments aimed at identifying the pain and gains of ​the case owner.

Research phase ➜




















Two main co-design sessions were carried out together with ​the participant to create the vision for the final product.

The case owner was heavily involved in each co-design ​phase, from the first brainstorming session to narrowing ​down concept directions to final concept choice and ​evaluation.

Co-design ➜








To evaluate the usability of the design, three prototypes were ​made.

The first “flimsy” prototype focuses on getting the right ​measurements, patterns as well as sizing. The second ​prototype is a medium-level one, adding the stuffing to asses ​the comfort of the pouch and its wearability, as well as ​providing a solid base for the final high-fidelity model crafted ​with higher quality fabrics.

Prototyping ➜

White Transparent Gradient







Final concept

“Hug a Sloth” is a sloth-shaped pouch that keeps a newborn secured to the mother’s chest, helping the case owner relax indoors, either alone or with her newborn, while keeping her hands free to drink tea, use digital devices, read a book, you name it!

Find out more about the individual stages, from detailing, to prototyping, to user feedback, involved in making the product come to life.

Final concept ➜

Module 7 “Design for Specific Users”

University of Twente, 2024

Project coordinator: Francesca Toso

Project tutor: Asli Günay

Ilaria Vonella

Polina Nemtyreva

Marten Sten Rahuoja

Polina Djugajeva

Wes Wikkerink







Bachelor of Industrial Design Engineering